Florida Nursing CE Requirements Package - 26 Hours
Included Courses
Courses included in this package. Click on a course to learn more.
- Basic Psychiatric Concepts 6Course release date: 6/1/2022
This course is designed for registered nurses, licensed practical/vocational nurses, and newly licensed registered nurses who desire a greater understanding of basic mental health concepts. A fundamental understanding of medical terminology, abbreviations, and nursing care is assumed.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Crisis Resource Management for Healthcare Professionals 3Course release date: 1/31/2022
About the Course:
Understanding Crisis Resource Management (CRM) and utilization of the concepts within team emergent responses can improve patient outcomes. The course will outline CRM concepts and demonstrate the application within emergent situations in healthcare. CRM concepts discussed will include leadership and followership, role identity and clarity; effective communication strategies; situational awareness; resource allocation; and dynamic decision making. Physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, and other health team members should understand CRM to improve their performance in emergent team responses and ultimately improve patient outcomes. CRM framework is also applicable in medical and environmental emergent situations where teams work together to ensure patient safety. - Domestic Violence for Florida Nurses, 2nd Edition 2Course release date: 12/13/2022
This course is intended to share information with all Florida nurses so that they know about Florida laws related to domestic violence. This course is also presented so that nurses will better understand the concept of domestic violence and will know how to better care for patients who are at risk of, or who have been targets of, domestic violence. It also discusses the prevalence of domestic violence in Florida and the U.S., as well as the impact that domestic violence has on patients and society. Different forms of domestic violence and the sequela on selected populations’ healthcare will be discussed. Also, national laws will be reviewed to enhance the reader’s knowledge of the resources available, and the legal issues encountered by domestic violence victims.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Florida Laws and Rules Governing Nursing Practice 2Course release date: 6/21/2022
The legislature in the state of Florida, under Title XXXII of the Florida Statutes, determines the laws and rules regulating nursing practice in the state. The purpose of their action is to protect the public and preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the people in the state. It is under Title XXXII that the primary laws that regulate the practice of nursing in Florida are detailed. This course explores these rules and laws as they are defined for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, advanced practice registered nurses, autonomous advanced practice registered nurses, and unlicensed assistive personnel in Florida. The Florida Board of Nursing requires every licensed nurse to complete a two-contact-hour course on the laws and rules that govern the practice of nursing in Florida as part of each biennial renewal cycle. This course meets the Florida nursing law continuing education requirement for nursing relicensure.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Human Trafficking in Florida, 2nd Edition 2Course release date: 11/4/2022
About the Course
Healthcare personnel are on the front lines of the fight against human trafficking. Nurses, physicians, physician assistants, and all healthcare personnel must be alert to the often-overlooked signs of trafficking in their patients. This course is designed to provide a sensitive overview of the issue of abuse in human trafficking and how it affects patients and their families. It also meets the requirements of the Florida State Board of Nursing for continuing education regarding human trafficking.?Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Management of Atrial Fibrillation (AF) for Nurses 1
Course release date: 11/5/2021
About the Course:
Atrial fibrillation is a common healthcare problem. This course reviews the concepts of cardiac output, risk factors for atrial fibrillation (AF), classifications of AF, the pearls of obtaining a history and physical of a patient with AF, diagnostic testing, and the overall implications for pharmacologic management. Prescribing guidelines will be presented in subsequent courses. Nursing considerations and evidence-based practice guidelines are included in this course.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Nursing Assessment, Management and Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases 6Course release date: 3/3/2022
About the Course
Almost 4% of the world’s population is affected by one of more than 80 different autoimmune diseases. In the United States (US), as many as 50 million Americans are living with an autoimmune disease, at a cost of $86 billion a year (National Stem Cell Foundation [NSCF], 2021). This education program provides information on autoimmune diseases with the purpose of adding to the nurse’s ability to recognize, assess, and facilitate treatment of such diseases.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Preventing Medical Errors for Florida Nurses 2Course release date: 12/15/2022
About the Course
The purpose of this course is to review the prevalence of common medication errors, why they may occur, and interventions to help decrease the risk of these errors occurring. Case studies are provided to show real-life scenarios that can occur in any healthcare environment. The course meets minimum mandated requirements for Florida nursing licensure.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Recognizing and Reporting Nurse Impairment in the Workplace for Florida Nurses 2Course release date: 8/9/2022
About the Course
Healthcare professionals are at risk for substance use disorders and impairment. A nurse with a substance use disorder and impairment is a healthcare risk for safe patient care, as well as a personal healthcare risk. This mandatory Florida course describes the significance of the problem as well as the signs and symptoms of substance use disorders and impairment in nurses. Employer strategies to recognize and address the problem are provided. This course meets the Florida Board of Nursing mandatory continuing education requirement of a 2-hour course on recognizing impairment in the workplace, which must be completed by licensed nurses every other biennium.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook