Florida APRN Requirements Package
This convenient package of CE courses is designed specifically to help Florida Advanced Practice Nurses meet their requirements for license renewal. Included is an 8-hour course to meet the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)’s new training requirement under the Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act, as well as courses to fulfill all required subject areas for Florida nurses.
Included Courses
Courses included in this package. Click on a course to learn more.
- Domestic Violence for Florida Nurses, 2nd Edition 2Course release date: 12/13/2022
This course is intended to share information with all Florida nurses so that they know about Florida laws related to domestic violence. This course is also presented so that nurses will better understand the concept of domestic violence and will know how to better care for patients who are at risk of, or who have been targets of, domestic violence. It also discusses the prevalence of domestic violence in Florida and the U.S., as well as the impact that domestic violence has on patients and society. Different forms of domestic violence and the sequela on selected populations’ healthcare will be discussed. Also, national laws will be reviewed to enhance the reader’s knowledge of the resources available, and the legal issues encountered by domestic violence victims.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Florida Laws and Rules Governing Nursing Practice 2Course release date: 6/21/2022
The legislature in the state of Florida, under Title XXXII of the Florida Statutes, determines the laws and rules regulating nursing practice in the state. The purpose of their action is to protect the public and preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the people in the state. It is under Title XXXII that the primary laws that regulate the practice of nursing in Florida are detailed. This course explores these rules and laws as they are defined for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, advanced practice registered nurses, autonomous advanced practice registered nurses, and unlicensed assistive personnel in Florida. The Florida Board of Nursing requires every licensed nurse to complete a two-contact-hour course on the laws and rules that govern the practice of nursing in Florida as part of each biennial renewal cycle. This course meets the Florida nursing law continuing education requirement for nursing relicensure.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Guidelines for Safe and Effective Controlled Substance Prescribing for Florida HC Professionals 3 3
Course release date: 4/20/2022
Healthcare providers who prescribe, administer, and dispense controlled substances have a great responsibility to ensure patients receive the care they need while preventing their prescriptions from becoming a source of abuse or diversion. This course serves to provide an overview of the safe and effective prescribing of controlled substances and three of the most common disease states that warrant more frequent prescribing of controlled substances. This course meets the Florida three contact hour pharmacology course requirement for safe and effective controlled prescribing practices for advanced practice registered nurses.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Human Trafficking in Florida, 2nd Edition 2Course release date: 11/4/2022
About the Course
Healthcare personnel are on the front lines of the fight against human trafficking. Nurses, physicians, physician assistants, and all healthcare personnel must be alert to the often-overlooked signs of trafficking in their patients. This course is designed to provide a sensitive overview of the issue of abuse in human trafficking and how it affects patients and their families. It also meets the requirements of the Florida State Board of Nursing for continuing education regarding human trafficking.?Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Preventing Medical Errors for Florida Nurses 2Course release date: 12/15/2022
About the Course
The purpose of this course is to review the prevalence of common medication errors, why they may occur, and interventions to help decrease the risk of these errors occurring. Case studies are provided to show real-life scenarios that can occur in any healthcare environment. The course meets minimum mandated requirements for Florida nursing licensure.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Recognizing and Reporting Nurse Impairment in the Workplace for Florida Nurses 2Course release date: 8/9/2022
About the Course
Healthcare professionals are at risk for substance use disorders and impairment. A nurse with a substance use disorder and impairment is a healthcare risk for safe patient care, as well as a personal healthcare risk. This mandatory Florida course describes the significance of the problem as well as the signs and symptoms of substance use disorders and impairment in nurses. Employer strategies to recognize and address the problem are provided. This course meets the Florida Board of Nursing mandatory continuing education requirement of a 2-hour course on recognizing impairment in the workplace, which must be completed by licensed nurses every other biennium.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Hypertension Management: Evidence-Based Guidelines 4 4Course release date: 1/6/2022
About the Course
This program is intended to provide a hypertension treatment overview. Safe and effective prescribing decisions must be guided by an in-depth understanding of each agent: how it works, how to dose it, anticipated adverse events, drug interactions, etc. When combination drugs are included, there may be as many as 200 different pharmacological options (both individual agents as well as combination products) that are approved by FDA for the treatment of hypertension. As a result, this educational program is designed only to highlight the major categories of therapeutics by identifying key products and characterizing them as a class. To provide perspective, an effort was made to provide highlights of clinically meaningful outcomes studies for the various drug classes.Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Identifying Common Rashes in Urgent Care: A Case Study Approach for APRNs 4 2
Course release date: 7/10/2023
Family nurse practitioners (FNPs) and emergency nurse practitioners (ENPs) care for patients with many ailments in the emergency department (ED). The purpose of this course is to characterize the most common dermatologic diagnoses in the urgent care setting. The goal is to build provider confidence in assessing, diagnosing, and treating rashes in the urgent care setting.
Preview this course before you buy: Click to view the CE course eBook
- Prescribing Controlled Substances Safely: A DEA Requirement 8 8
Course release date: 5/1/2023
About the Course
Nurse Practitioners (NPs), Pharmacists, and Dentists care for patients with disorders in many healthcare settings. Individuals may seek care for an acute illness or worsening of a chronic condition. Often, pain is the leading reason for seeking medical care. Appropriate prescribing practices are critical for all medications, but controlled substances require special attention. The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) all have a role in controlled medication schedules. Prescribers must understand federal and state requirements for all controlled substances. This course will provide a general review of federal and state-controlled substance regulations and the prescribing practices for controlled substances. Additionally, substance use disorders are complex phenomena affecting many lives. This course also reviews common substance use disorders, including alcohol, anxiolytics, stimulants, hallucinogens, and tobacco/vaping. However, the focus is on clinical safety considerations when prescribing non-cancer-related opioid medications for acute/chronic pain in adults.